Corinne is an officer in the French armed forces. She decided to do an English course as she had a new job posting which required her to use English when communicating with her international colleagues and partners. She was also interested in improving her general language skills so that she could feel more comfortable with the language, especially when travelling abroad. By the end of the course Corinne could definitely see an improvement, particularly with her confidence. She was able to eliminate the basic grammatical errors she was making when speaking, improve her social skills, and expand her vocabulary range so that she was able to express herself better. She definitely felt more prepared in order to communicate in English within both a professional and social environment.

Exploring London in her free time
Brief About Corrine
Course details
- CourseGeneral English(20 hours/week)
- Duration1 week
- Level At Beginning of coursePre-Intermediate A2+
- Level At End Of CourseIntermediate B1